Sunday, 10 May 2009

My First Pillowcase Dress

I have been meaning to have a go at a pillocase dress for ages but never had any spare (or nice) pillocases, anyway, I have recently aquired quite a lot so I thought I'd take one with the least attractive pattern topractice on (didn't want to waste a snazzy one), it turned out to be extremely easy to make, even the bias binding, and weirdly once made up as a dress the print actually looks really nice, who'd have thunk it?


  1. That is super cute! Did you use a pattern or just wing it? I am new to sewing and would love to make one of these for my daughter.

  2. annabombination1 June 2009 at 16:50

    Hi Cindy, there are hundreds of tutorials out there on the net and I found this one (which I have looked for again especially for you because I never book marked it, d'oh) which gives a size guide and I sort of followed that one.

  3. your dresses turned out really cute, i love how they turned out.

  4. Nins and Peedles2 July 2009 at 16:26

    Aww thank you Susan, yours was the best tutorial out there, which helped :)

  5. I just finished making my daughter a dress from a sheet. The best part about using bedding is they are wash and wear plus dryer safe. Plus you can't beat the thrift store price compared to fabric shops.
